*ラミア Lamia [#ae220821]

Mysterious Witch - Lamia

Lamia is a mysterious witch who featured in Digital Crafter's previous title. No one knows where she is from. Rumour has it that you won't see the sunrise if you have been abducted by her to her game room.\n\nLamia's game room has no rules. No-one knows how to escape, no-one knows why Lamia is here and no-one knows what she wants from you...


Close Range Combatant\n\nIt's not easy to grasp Lamia's moves. She can dash in different distances to trick her opponent. 

-D.P.S.: Pick One Card 

Lamia's superpowers are randomnly picked, the options beingrecovery, curse, and damage increase. The glowing light around Lamia signifies which effect has been activated.



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